Saturday, 19 February 2011

Night Guard

Guess what, I am a night guard tonight....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am not getting paid for it....Actually, I am not a night guard, I am just patrolling the area with Ms. Strong and Ms. Sleepy from 12am to 5am.
OMG, I usually sleep by 12....:( ok maybe that's a lie but usually around 1.30am I will K.O!!!!!
Plus I am afraid of the dark....damn....
Anyways, this was the things that we do to stay awake:

  1. Drink loads of water but that ended up making us go to the toilet.
  2. Eat....:p
  3. Watch a scary movie (BAD IDEA). Since, that made us afraid of going to the toilet or patrolling the area.
  4. Listen to music. That kept us up for awhile since everyone was singing like some mad group of people who are tone deaf.

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